The meter tensioner
is used for the control of the tension applied to every type
of copper wires and ottic fibres in the working process.
They are provided with the following models:
Diameter (mm) |
Tension (grams) |
APT 2 |
0,02÷0,10 |
5÷250 |
APT 5 |
0,03÷0,25 |
10÷500 |
APT10 |
0,03÷0,25 |
10÷1000 |
APH 5 |
0,03÷0,35 |
25÷500 |
APH 10 |
0,05÷0,50 |
25÷1000 |
APH 25 |
0,10÷0,60 |
25÷2500 |
APH 50 |
0,10÷0,60 |
25÷5000 |
APW 50 |
0,16÷1,00 |
100÷5000 |
APW 100 |
0,20÷1,20 |
200÷9999 |